Experts share errors we all make washing our bedding and it's grim reading - Wales Online

2022-05-28 22:30:19 By : Ms. Debby Peng

"Sleeping while surrounded by body oils, bacteria, dead skin cells, and dust mites”

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With our busy lives, those annoying jobs like washing our bed sheets can sometimes be put off for longer than we would like.

It is a bit of a faff, especially in winter when you have to dry the bedding in the house. But experts at Reviewed have put together a guide to how often you should be changing your bedding and it seems some of us my be crossing the line into downright unhygienic.

The biggest faux pas many of us make is leaving our bedding on for more than a week, as they warn it leads to us "sleeping while surrounded by body oils, bacteria, dead skin cells, and dust mites.” Eww. Keeping your bed clean and hygienic can help thwart germs and allergens, and has even been found to help you sleep better, and better quality sleep is something we all need.

Here are the tips which will keep your bedding looking perfect, and will help you to get much better sleep.

When it comes to your duvet, it doesn't need washing as often as your sheets, but it's always good to give it a good clean every now and again.

It's previously been recommended to wash your duvet every two or three months, or a minimum of twice a year, to stop an infestation of bed mites. Pillows should be washed at the same time, and the mattress itself should be given a clean down once a year.